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June 2016

Jenna Dewan Says She and Channing Tatum Are “Really Boring”


Jenna Dewan poses in a bikini on the cover of Women’s Health with a giant arrow pointed at her abs. That’s the stuff of my nightmares. In the interview, she talks about being a vegan around her vegetable-hating hubby, and how her social media posts are not exactly true to life. “Instagram is just a highlight reel. Ten percent of the time, Chan and I have a lot of fun. Ninety percent, we’re really boring.”

-It didn’t take long for Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes‘ camps to make Claudia Jordan backpedal hard on her comments about them dating. Sorry, no take backsies!

-This is an interesting look at Taylor Swift’s artistic growth (or lack thereof).

-Speaking of great reads by MTV News, this piece on Blake Lively’s enduring fame is both savage and awesome. “There’s a particular freedom from anxiety that comes with looking at Blake Lively, as if her pleasant blankness could be contagious. ”

-Meanwhile, Blake “never meant to offend anyone” with her post about Oakland booty.

Gwyneth Paltrow says she’s intentionally trolling with some of the items she features in GOOP. Sure, Jane.

Demi Lovato‘s Twitter break lasted less than a day. But she vowed to “coming back more honest than ever” so lucky us, I guess?

-There is a celebrity dating app?? It behooves us all to sign up immediately and screencap everything we see. BEHOOVES US!

-These photos of Fergie remind me that she’s still my favourite royal. Or royal adjacent.

Aaron Sorkin is going to mansplain about screenwriting in a new online course. Who’s going to be the one to break it to him that this means he’ll have to use the Internet?

-I want great things for Archie Panjabi’s career. I’m not sure Blindspot is it.

-Not gonna lie: the idea of Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan rekindling their romance makes me so giddy that I’m just going to block out all the obvious signs why this story seems super fake.
via Tumblr user louiseblue1-“She doesn’t have the range” is my new favourite meme. They’ve been floating by on my Twitter TL all day and have never failed to make me guffaw.

Selma Blair has apologized to fellow passengers after her outburst on a flight. I’m still worried. I love that girl. Besides being Cecile Caldwell and Vivian Kensington, she was in this dumb little movie called Kill Me Later that I’ve watched no fewer than 30 times. True story.

-Mr. Robot, The People v. O.J. Simpson and UnREAL lead the nominations for the TCA Awards (aka – the Emmys but with taste).

Matthew McConaughey says “fake boobs” are overrated. Well, it’s better than “time is a flat circle.”

-Wait, so critics actually don’t hate Independence Day: Resurgence? I did *not* see that coming.

-Ouch! Uma Thurman has a few broken bones after being thrown off a horse.

Bryan Cranston joined the Power Rangers movie. Hasn’t this thing been already shooting in Vancouver for a while? And also — what?

-Speaking of Power Rangers cast members, Elizabeth Banks says she auditioned to play Mary Jane in 2002’s Spider-Man, but she was deemed too old at the ancient, decrepit age of 28.

-After all the sad Prince news, here’s a glimmer of hope: a DNA test proved a Colorado inmate is not late singer’s son.

Angelina Jolie condemned the Orlando shootings during a speech at the U.S. State Department yesterday.

Harrison Ford ate — and liked! — scrunchions.

-The Hollywood Reporter released its first ranking of Hollywood’s most powerful execs, creatives, stars, directors and reps. Shocking report: they’re almost all white dudes.

-I love how much fun the Game of Thrones cast seems to have behind the scenes.

-Speaking of behind-the-scenes TV instagrams, I feel like OITNB’s Kimiko Glenn might be wearing the Sandro dress I just bought, greatly lessening my buyer’s remorse. (Which will undoubtedly grow again once my Visa bill arrives.)

-This is a really great interview with one of the stars of OITNB but DO NOT CLICK until you’ve watched the whole season. (And if you have, do you need a hug?)

-I really enjoyed this Anthony Bourdain interview. How is he 60?!

-HBO has canceled Vinyl, probably because no one watched it. Also, it was terrible.

-Here’s a new trailer for HBO’s Divorce with Sarah Jessica Parker. It’s from the same person who created Catastrophe so I’m all in.

Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx Are Dating, Confirms Claudia Jordan

Katie Holmes in Ray Donovan
Katie Holmes in Ray Donovan

-After three years of rumours, it’s been confirmed Katie Holmes is dating Jamie Foxx. The fact that the relationship was outed by a Real Housewife is just icing on the gossip cake!

Jake Gyllenhaal and Rooney Mara went for a walk together in NYC yesterday, and now everyone is speculating about the nature of their relationship. I wouldn’t have called this one; he seems more of a Kate Mara kinda guy.

-It’s been a week of celebs speaking out about anti-Brexit, with John Oliver calling it the “British desire to tell Europe to go f—k itself,” while J.K. Rowling wrote an essay about it framed around villains and monsters. But leave it to Noel Gallagher to cut straight to the chase: “What are you asking the people for? 99 percent of the people are thick as pig shit.”

Katy Perry found a new way to shade Taylor Swift — with her new fragrance!

-It’ll be interesting (in an incredibly sad, depressing kind of way) to see how Star Trek Beyond navigates their press tour in the wake of Anton Yelchin’s sudden death. They’ve just canceled their Cannes event.

-I friggin’ love this: Arrow put out a casting call for a new villain that’s inspired by a character on The Wire — and they ended up hiring The Wire’s Chad L. Coleman. In the wise words of Cutty: “The game done change.”

-What the hell is going on with Selma Blair? The details of her flight outburst are disturbing as hell.

-Sick of all the hate she got after criticizing Mariah CareyDemi Lovato quit Instagram and Twitter and says she’s going to focus on Snapchat. That seems on brand anyway.

-This story about going to a Celine Dion concert is so wonderful, I Pocket’d it to re-read again later.

-The Walking Dead reportedly shot 11 different character death scenes to prevent Negan spoilers. That seems…crazy.

Selena Gomez and James Corden‘s Carpoole Karaoke is cute but very product placement-y.

Blake Lively and Jimmy Fallon played Know It All, didn’t know a lot.

-Meanwhile, her promo style for that shark movie is on point.

Will Smith says he didn’t believe in Wild Wild West. Join the club, buddy.

-It’s probably not a good sign when Free State of Jones reviews say things like: well, at least Matthew McConaughey’s beard is one thing that’s accurate.

-Warner Bros inviting all the critics and comic book outlets who hated Batman v Superman to the set of Justice League is all kinds of brilliant, especially because the message they’re hitting hard is “we screwed up and we’re fixing it.” They’re basically acknowledging the haters for identifying the problems and getting good coverage in return. I haven’t seen this kind of scratch-my-back exchange since Ain’t It Cool News was a thing. (The Flash’s intro scene does sound fun, though.)

-Meanwhile, Ben Affleck is reportedly not happy with the script for his solo Batman movie.

No, Kate Winslet! Bad!

Sky Ferreira responded to a sexist L.A. Weekly article titled Sky Ferreira’s Sex Appeal Is What Pop Music Needs Right Now by saying “I’m not a think piece. I’m not a fucking example.”

-It’s new Mr Robot previews! I feel like I’m going to be watching the first episode much like I watched the season premiere of UnREAL — by muttering over and over again “please still be good, please still be good.”

-Here’s the trailer for American Honey starring Shia LaBeouf and Sasha Lane, which was beloved at Cannes.



Tom Hiddleston Strips Down To His Underwear For W



-Clearly, it’s a total coincidence that Tom Hiddleston has a underwear spread in W magazine the week after he because a household name. The universe is just weird that way, guys.

-The news about Anton Yelchin’s tragic death just got even more tragic: his car was reportedly part of a voluntary recall due to rollaway risk.

-Meanwhile, Anton‘s costars continue to express their disbelief and grief, including Susan Sarandon and Felicity Jones (who starred with him in Like Crazy, a movie I adore).

Tatiana Maslany makes the case for moving to Canada if Trump wins. “We’ve got double-double coffee. It’s a straight-up laxative!”

-Finally, here’s the trailer for HBO’s Westworld. Even though it’s been twice-delayed, it actually looks pretty damn good.

The Rock hadn’t eaten candy since 1989 — until Jimmy Fallon tempted him. And then things got a little cray.

Miley‘s trolling us again, y’all.

-This interview with Fresh Off The Boat’s Constance Wu kind of made me fall in love with her a little bit.

-I stopped watching How To Get Away With Murder ages ago, but the bloopers are still fun.

-Last night’s Game of Thrones was soo good –but also kind of not? Visually, that might have been the coolest thing I’ve ever seen on TV (and this interview with the director on the technical aspects of the battle shoot is impressive), but it all ended up feeling kind of empty. I’m not sure I agree with this critique that it didn’t have enough stakes — mostly because I’m sick of TV shows assuming death automatically makes for the best drama — but it is interesting that almost every critic I follow didn’t exactly give last night’s episode a glowing review.

-Everyone who wasn’t freaking out about GoT last night on Twitter was freaking out about the Penny Dreadful season finale — and that was even before they found out it was actually the series finale.

-Congrats to Eddie Redmayne and his wife, who just welcomed their first child.

Beyoncé and Jay Z just bought a $93 million mansion, so they’re not allowed to appear in Us Weekly’s “celebs are just like us!” feature for at least 3 months.

Kelly Clarkson’s Facebook Lives might be the most adorable Facebook Lives ever.

-Speaking of adorable, here’s a clip of Baby Dory from Finding Dory.

-I wasn’t ready for how brutal Orange Is The New Black this season is. If you haven’t been spoiled yet, get off Twitter. Get off Twitter now!

-In happier OITNB news, Samira Wiley will play Gretchen’s therapist on You’re The Worst. This is the best!

-A whole lotta Broadway stars released an A-list ‘What the World Needs Now Is Love’ cover to benefit the victims of Orlando and their families.

-Meanwhile, the Walking Dead, The Flash and Arrow stars are going to appear at a special fan convention in Orlando, with all proceeds going to the victims’ families.

-Speaking of The Flash, Grant Gustin just confirmed they’re doing the Flashpoint storyline (which, as my coworker explained to me in excruciating detail, involves an alternate timeline in which Bruce Wayne was killed instead of his parents, his dad became Batman and his mom became The Joker). Fine, but just keep that wibbly wobbly time crap away from Arrow.

Alexander Skarsgard and Theo James swear, get shirtless, and eat popsicles sexily in the War On Everyone trailer. I don’t know if this is going to jump start Alex’s career after Tarzan inevitably flops.

Looking was a little gem of a TV show that was canceled too soon. I never really believed HBO when they said they would wrap up the story with a movie but they just released the first trailer! Don’t mind me; my eyeballs are drowning.