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Lindsay Lohan Is Ready For Her Comeback

lindsay lohan paper

-There was a lot of talk last week about how that Amanda Bynes comeback profile glossed over or straight up ignored her worst behaviour, but the new Lindsay Lohan feature in Paper won’t be accused of that. It brings up her past (despite Lohan’s attempts to steer clear of certain topics) and reveals that she’s still a bit of a mess (making the interviewer wait until the 9-hour photo shoot is over and then still not talking to her, responding to questions about that encounter with “Syrian refugees” only through email via her rep, etc).

-Meanwhile, here’s the first trailer for Lindsay Lohan‘s new MTV reality show.  I wish her well, but I just can’t.

Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra‘s wedding looked amazing. They even had their own Bollywood dance number!

-As Camping ends with a whimper, Lena Dunham is being pretty blunt about her experience on the HBO show: “I’ve sort of had it with trying to be anyone else’s voice — I tried that and it was complicated and it didn’t necessarily work and it caused a lot of pain, so the only thing I can really do is be my voice.”

Pete Davidson says he’s been “getting online bullied and in public for 9 months.” Ok.

Chris Noth is not here for all the rumours about the Sex and the City 3 movie script, particularly the one about Mr Big dying of a heart attack: “There’s no way he was dying. That was all a lie.” He added, “There’s no drama, there’s no movie, there’s nothing going on with it, it’s over, it’s gone.”

Piers Morgan getting owned by 92-year-old Dick Van Dyke on Twitter is a pretty great way to start the week.

-Lifetime’s You starring Penn Badgley is moving to Netflix for season 2 (Netflix Canada is getting season 1 at some point this month).

-This video of Kelly Clarkson meeting Cher on a red carpet this weekend will make you melt.

-Rumours of a reboot of The Office just got a lot more credible thanks to this photo a cast member tweeted this weekend.

Hannah Lux Davis talks about directing “thank u, next”: “If you’re Ariana Grande, you can talk to anybody and they will take your call [Laughs]. I think Ariana was just like, ‘yo, what if we got Kris Jenner?’ And she got her!”

-There were rumours that Friends was leaving Netflix in January but it seems like it’s sticking around for a bit longer. It’s going to be a big deal if/when they lose the streaming rights to that show. Netflix doesn’t release ratings but there’s rumours that it is the most watched/rewatched show on the site — by A LOT.

-I didn’t even watch all of Daredevil but this interview with a writer on what it was like when they found out Netflix cancelled them is a real bummer.

-This is a great column on the work still needed to be done in this #MeToo era.

-The British Independant Film Awards took place this weekend, and everyone looked (mostly) lovely.

-This oral history of Working Girl in honour of its 30th anniversary is juicy fun. Melanie Griffith talks about trying to seduce Alec Baldwin, and the cast reflects on Kevin Spacey‘s creepy character.

-Here comes the Jameela Jamil backlash, right on schedule.

Anna Paquin plays a superstar publicist in the Flack trailer.

Priyanka Chopra Opens Up About Her Relationship With Nick Jonas

priyanka chopra vogue

-It’s a big week for Priyanka Chopra. Not only is she getting married in two days, but she also landed on the new cover of Vogue (marking the first Indian woman to be on Vogue America’s cover). In the joint interview with Nick Jonas, she talks about how their first date was “too respectful” (“We hung out for a couple of hours. He patted my back before he left”) and talks about letting the public in on relationship details (“I’ve had that rule my whole life: Never publicly acknowledge a relationship. Ever. What is happening? I’ve not known myself like this. This guy turned me into such a girl! If I could blush, I’d be tomato red right now”).

Priyanka and Nick‘s wedding guest list reportedly includes Armie Hammer, Lupita Nyong’o, and Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson.

-EW released their Entertainers of the Year covers, which included covers featuring the Crazy Rich Asians and Black Panther ladies, as well as Cardi B and Darren Criss. They also released video interviews with some of their entertainers. Great job, Baranski!

-The girl who posted the Michael B Jordan faked missed connection ended up going to the Creed 2 premiere, and MBJ even tweeted about it. She’s now my hero.

Rachel McAdams has stayed pretty mum about her new baby, but in a new interview with the Sunday Times she confirmed that she had a baby boy back in April: “I’m having more fun being a mom than I’ve ever had. Everything about it is interesting and exciting and inspiring to me. Even the tough days, there’s something delightful about them.”

-In a new interview, Kate Beckinsale says she is open to the idea of more kids: “I definitely would [consider more children], but then I think, Oh God, I annihilated my 20s and I suddenly get a taste of freedom and annihilate myself again? But I am open to seeing what happens.”

-In more baby talk, Hailey Baldwin graces Vogue Arabia’s two December covers, and talks about wanting kids with hubby Justin Bieber. “I love kids and I can’t wait to have my own.I would say now that’s a closer reality.”

-Jesus H Murphy, did People really just run a sympathetic feature on Matt Lauer and how he’s coping with the fallout of his sexual harassment allegations. How HE’S coping?!?

-This is a great reminder from GQ that bad men don’t need a comeback.

-A woman who attended one of Aziz Ansari‘s recent shows in Toronto (there were two because the first show sold out, smh) described a conflicted audience.

-This is a great, great thread by Mo Ryan about all the #MeToo fallout at CBS over the last year — and how little action has been taken.

-And here I thought peak TV was a problem — now we have peak movies. The first wave of awards gave top prizes to The Rider and First Reformed (starring Ethan Hawke): two Oscar contenders I’ve never even heard of.

-Do you think Mariah Carey’s kids will one day view “All I Want for Christmas” the same way Hugh Grant’s character in About a Boy views his dad’s holiday jingle?

Hugh Grant recalls all the horrible things he’s done onscreen to frequent costar Ben Whishaw:”I want him dead…I put him in prison. I tried to kill him on a train. I seduced him, and tried to have him murdered. He’s been very nice about it.”

-I love this article about Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen’s relationship — and I love Mary Steenburgen’s tweet about it even more.

Protect Mr. Feeny at all costs.

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth lost their home to a California wildfire, but they’ve still donated $500,000 as they set their sights on rebuilding not just their house, but also their community.

-Here’s the latest trailer for Runaways season 2.

-This Luther trailer is everything! The serial killer looks impressively creepy, and I actually squealed at the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it glimpse of Ruth Wilson‘s Alice at the end.

Shawn Mendes Addresses Sexuality, Hailey Baldwin


-In his new Rolling Stone cover story, Shawn Mendes says his relationship with Hailey Baldwin wasn’t as platonic as he first implied. “I don’t even want to put a title on it. I think it was more of a zone of limbo…She’s still one of the f–king coolest people ever — she’s not just a beautiful person visually, but she’s one of the most beautiful hearts I’ve ever met.” He also talks about how the gay rumours stress him out, and how he watching his interviews to analyze his voice and his body language: “In the back of my heart, I feel like I need to go be seen with someone — like a girl — in public, to prove to people that I’m not gay. Even though in my heart I know that it’s not a bad thing. There’s still a piece of me that thinks that. And I hate that side of me.” Ugh. Leave the poor kid alone.

-We truly are living in a golden age of celebrity profiles. This feature on Lena Dunham by Allison P. Davis is breathtakingly good.  I didn’t really think I’d want to read anything more about her, but this is not a fawning, laudatory profile. Davis goes deep (addressing the frequent criticisms thrown Dunham’s way, the rumours that she is a bad pet owner, her stumbles over race, etc), and the result is an article that makes you both sympathize with her as you’re rolling your eyes at her. My fave part: “As she texts me increasingly intimate details that she knows I’ll put in this article, as if she were trying to be the director of her own candid, sympathy-generating magazine story, I begin to wonder if Lena Dunham, the performance artist daring us to hate her, is the work.”

Meek Mills penned a powerful op-ed on prisoner rights reform for the NYT.

Amanda Bynes is on the cover of Paper and seems to be doing legitimately well, which makes me happy. She talks about fighting to cast Channing Tatum in She’s The Man, and admits her drug use started by getting hooked on Adderall because she’d read in a magazine that it keeps you skinny.

-I do not understand how the US just had the largest Thanksgiving box office on record, and yet Widows flopped. It’s so, so good!

-This is sad: Oprah‘s mom died on Thanskgiving at 83.

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonaspre-wedding festivities have begun.

-I’m actually surprised it took this long for the ‘is Green Book woke enough?’ thinkpieces to come out.

-No, Rihanana. No!

-Also, here’s our first peek at Rihanna and Donald Glover‘s mystery project “Guava Island.

-The conscious uncoupling is still going strong. Dakota Johnson spent Thanksgiving with Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow and their kids.

-Ooh boy, Amber Heard‘s outfit at the Aquaman premiere was a bit too on the nose.

-Meanwhile, I’m pleasantly shocked that the initial reaction to Aquaman from critics is so overwhelmingly positive.

-I don’t know how I keep falling for these Zac Efron thirst traps but I really don’t hate them…

Guillermo del Toro shared on Twitter a massive list of screenplays he’s been working on that still haven’t been produced.

-This woman’s fake missed connection about Michael B Jordan is going viral and I’m so proud of her!

Chris Pine and Patty Jenkins‘ TNT miniseries I Am the Night will be released in January.