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Jesse Plemons

Emilia Clarke Wants to Play Bond


Emilia Clarke is petitioning to be the new James Bond (yay!) and her dream leading man is Leonardo DiCaprio (wait, what?).

-The fact that Fargo costars Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons may be dating makes me weirdly happy. You go, Landry!

-I’m really digging Kristen Stewart‘s moody new Chanel ads.

Selma Hayek wants you to stop having so much sex.

-Two security guards (who happen to be on Johnny Depp’s payroll) are calling Amber Heard a liar. Meanwhile, her attorneys say she’s given a statement to LAPD about Depp’s alleged abuse.

-I’m not sure I’m buying the story about Rogue One “not testing well” because A) reshoots are the new way of life. They no longer spell box office doom, and B) there’s no way it’s ready to fully test yet.

-I didn’t even read this article to figure out why Mariah Carey wore lingerie on Live with Kelly. Co-host Jussie Smollett‘s expression in the accompanying photo was all I needed to see to feel fulfilled by life.

Kate Beckinsale says director Michael Bay body-shamed her while filming Pearl Harbor. Also, water is wet.

Lauren Conrad has announced a 10 year anniversary special for The Hills, which I’m going to watch the crap out of. Meanwhile, this look back at The Hills after show is surprisingly great.

-I love this Marc Jacobs dress on Diane Kruger, even if I’m pretty sure Kristen Stewart wore something really similar.

-If you come after Keira Knightley, Twitter is gonna come after you. And that includes her past directors.

-That “fandom is broken” article that trended today is so problematic and it bummed me out. (Not because I expected better from the author; I’ve read his stuff before and I really don’t. But I expected better from the many smart people who were sharing/liking it.) Look, death threats are *always* wrong. But equating the few people who pull that crap with fans who criticize a piece of pop culture is bullshit.  Also bullshit: conflating the organized, misogynistic campaign to down-vote the Ghostbusters trailer with the fan backlash to Nazi Captain America. The very small (but loud) amount of raging, sexist psychos who harass creators =/= fans who voice criticism about a creative choice. Creators don’t owe fans anything beyond making good art. But on the flip side of that, fans don’t owe creators anything beyond their honest reaction to that art. I’m increasingly seeing creators/showrunners who happily invade fan spaces, only to throw their hands up in the air and scream “entitlement” the second they see criticism, and I’m sorry but they don’t get to do that. Does fandom have entitlement problems? Sure…but so does the whole internet. </rant>

-Meanwhile, here’s a great counterpoint.

Jimmy Fallon and Amy Schumer swapped phones and forced each other to explain their photos. That is literally my worst nightmare.

Aubrey Plaza just landed a Marvel pilot. Is her superpower sarcasm?

Katy Perry says her Twitter was hacked and she didn’t really send a middle finger emoji to Taylor Swift. Way to ruin my dreams, Katy!

David Schwimmer rapping with James Corden made me laugh — and now I feel bad about myself.

-Whoa. Emily Blunt and Lin-Manuel Miranda will star in Mary Poppins Returns, directed by Rob Marshall?

-Jane the Virgin star Gina Rodriguez really did end up giving her Golden Globes dress to a high schooler for prom — and the kid slayed.

Kit Harrington says actors feel sexism in Hollywood, too. K.

-Good on Sleepy Hollow’s Tom Mison for trying to make the best out of a shitty situation and not downplaying it, but that show is sunk.

-It’s been too long since I’ve stared at Hot Neville photos. Balance restored!

-A bunch of famous people, including George Clooney and Jon Stewart, pay tribute to Norman Lear in this new doc.


Emma Watson Covers Elle, Premieres Noah

Emma Watson Elle cover
Emma Watson in Elle (Photo: Carter Smith/Elle)

-I’m not sure I’m feeling the wrinkly material on the halter dress Emma Watson wore to today’s Noah premiere. She fares much better in her new Elle photo spread, where she talks about growing up in public. “There are all these actresses who have emerged in the last year or two, and they get to emerge as this complete human being. And I’m so jealous!”

-Speaking of Potter alums, I saw an early screening of Daniel Radcliffe‘s The F Word (which I really liked) and during the Q&A the director said they were thinking of changing the title to What If, which the audience booed. I guess he didn’t listen to us.

Selena Gomez was spotted without Justin Bieber, offering the world a chance to momentarily unclench.

-Once again, Seth Rogen slammed Justin Bieber. “He’s obnoxious, he’s ungrateful, he’s insincere.”

-Meanwhile, Seth named all the stars he’s smoked pot with — and surprisingly he says James Franco isn’t one of them.

Lena Dunham looks amazing on the new cover of Glamour.

-If Aaron Paul‘s marriage ever falls apart, I feel like we’re all going to need to take care of him because he’ll be a mess. Like, there’ll be a phone tree and a casserole dropoff schedule.

-Do TV stars even need to transition to movies anymore? It seems so old school and backwards.

-The Olsen sisters are on an engagement streak. Two weeks after Mary-Kate‘s proposal, younger sis Elizabeth is getting hitched.

Tina Fey is poo-pooing a Mean Girls sequel, which is probably for the best. We’ll always have “your mom’s chest hair!

-Despite my totally indifference to Star Wars VII, it would be great for Jesse Plemons‘ career if he landed the lead. Texas forever!

-In other good career moves, Nicholas Hoult is set to star in the Iraqi war drama Sand Castle.

Stan‘s beard is back (and on the move) in this new Mad Men photo.

Victoria Beckham uses her treadmill desk while wearing high heels. Of course she does.

-The Orphan Black goodies keep rolling in. Here’s a clip of the latest clone, some new photos from season 2, and a clue-filled poster.

-The comedy bits on Seth Meyers‘ talk show don’t really land, as you can see from this zombie interruption during Norman Reedus‘ interview.

Jimmy Fallon fared much better with Shailene Woodley, talking about suggestive vegetables and playing ping pong.

Fallon also had a great bit with Audra McDonald singing Yahoo Answers.

-If you don’t remember where Game of Thrones left off, this 25-minute recap of season 3 should get you up to speed before April 6.

Jason Derulo‘s new video is packed with celebrity cameos.

-Divergent star Theo James looks a lot like James Franco here.

-Want to see some extremely blurry video of Rihanna and Drake walking around Manchester and (possibly) holding hands?

-Also, Rihanna got Drake hooked on Breaking Bad, according to Aaron Paul.

-Crap, this makes me want to see Les Miz on Broadway.

-These photos from Robin and Barney’s wedding on How I Met Your Mother underscore what a crappy job the writers did at making Robin seem like a real person who lives in the world and has actual friends.

-How is Shaq dropping $1k per week on apps? Is that even possible?

Jared Leto took his glorious hair to Ukraine.

-One more day until the Veronica Mars movie! Here are seven reasons why men should give it a chance, and the cast talking about their favourite characters.

-If this is what Zoë Saldana looks like after dropping exercising and dieting, I give up on life.

-This is weird: Grey’s Anatomy will feature only modern ’80s cover songs for the remainder of season 10.

-Oh god, someone is letting Michael Bay remake The Birds.

-This Walking Dead theory is super clever and fun, which probably means the writers haven’t thought of it.

-The Office star Jenna Fischer showed off her bare baby bump with this vacation photo.

-Here’s a very early rundown of some promising (and not so promising) TV shows debuting this fall.

-Speaking of TV, does fewer hit sitcoms mean more room for smarter comedies? Let’s hope!

-Sadness: Little People, Big World stars Amy and Matt Roloff have separated.

Jason Biggs really has to stop trying to be funny on Twitter. It never works.

-That anonymous model who accused Terry Richardson of assault has come forward.

Louis CK‘s show will return (finally!) on May 5.

-Well, that didn’t take long. There’s already backlash to Rooney Mara being cast as Tiger Lily.

Cameron Diaz, 40, sarcastically apologized for not looking like a 25-year-old anymore.

-I kind of feel like we’ll have seen all of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 before it hits theatres given the rate Sony is releasing clips. Here’s yet another one.

Kristen Wiig plays an incredibly convincing sadsack in the trailer for Hateship Loveship.

Breaking Bad Recap: “Dead Freight”

Todd (Jesse Plemons) and Jesse (Aaron Paul) in Breaking Bad's "Dead Freight." (Photo: AMC)
Todd (Jesse Plemons) and Jesse (Aaron Paul) in Breaking Bad’s “Dead Freight.” (Photo: AMC)

Season 5, Episode 5: “Dead Freight”

Purity level: 90%

“Just because you shot Jesse James doesn’t make you Jesse James,” Mike told Walter a few episodes ago. Many assumed the line was foreshadowing the series’ finale, hinting that Walter’s demise might be at the hand of a supposed ally like James’ murder by Robert Ford. Who could have guessed it was actually previewing a train heist worthy of the legendary outlaw?

First though, we get another killer cold open. Like the series’ best non sequitur intros (the mariachi music video, the taste test in a German facility, the flash-forward of Walter buying a gun in a diner), the audience isn’t immediately able to connect the dots. We know the motorcycle-riding boy collecting spiders in the middle of the desert must somehow be important to the story, but his impact doesn’t become clear until the episode’s final seconds. And what an impact it was.

Things are put in motion when Walter visits Hank in his new office, ostensibly to check in on the kids and have a heart-to-heart, but really to bug the room and find out if the GPS tracker found last week was placed there by Lydia or the DEA. After Walter, Jesse and Mike determine that Lydia didn’t set them up, they struggle to find a new source of methylamine. As Walter and Mike argue over how to move forward (with Mike wanting to return to the safer, low-yield pseudoephedrine cook and Walter pushing for Lydia’s high-risk plan to rob a train carrying the chemical), Jesse has one of his increasingly frequent “a-ha!” moments, silencing the bickering papa bears by coming up with a way to steal the liquid from the train without anyone noticing.

So kicks off one of the most heart-pounding, brilliantly executed sequences in the show’s history. Walter, Jesse and Mike recruit a handful of accomplices (including Saul’s henchman Kuby and exterminator Todd). They concoct an elaborate scheme in which Kuby pretends to stall his truck in the middle of the railroad tracks, stopping the train long enough for Jesse and Todd to siphon off the methylamine and replace it with water. The intricately orchestrated heist is nearly derailed by a good Samaritan, but they manage to complete the mission just as the train begins moving, with Todd jumping from the roof and Jesse flattening himself against the tracks. (He’s literally run over by a freight train – they might as well have labelled the locomotive “Walter”).

Cue jubilation and a few obligatory “Yeah, bitch!” cheers from Jesse, until they notice the boy on the motorcycle watching them. They all freeze as the boy waves tentatively. Todd waves back, and then pulls out a gun and SHOOTS THE KID!

This Week’s “Who’s Bad?” Index:

Todd: Todd seemed like the perfect accomplice at the beginning of the heist, asking lots of questions and stroking Walter and Jesse’s egos with his awe-struck reverence (“You guys have thought of everything!”). But he grossly misinterpreted Jesse’s orders to keep quiet (“No one, other than us, can ever know this robbery went down”), and now the crew will have the murder investigation of a little kid on their hands (and their conscience). The fact that Todd is played with unblinking cruelty by Jesse Plemons (who played the good-hearted Landry on Friday Night Lights) only heightens the horror. 10 blue crystals out of 10

Walter: Protecting kids is a recurring theme on Breaking Bad, and it’s touched upon multiple times in this episode (from Walt’s blubbering to Hank about being a “bad influence” on Walter Jr. and Holly, to Skylar’s demands that the kids stay away, to Lydia’s desperate invocation of Walt’s children). We know how Jesse’s going to feel about this (his “No! No!” screams as Todd reached for the gun were heart-breaking), but the camera purposefully didn’t capture Walter’s reaction to the boy’s murder. He already established with Brock that he’s not above endangering children, but actually killing one? We’ll know how bad Walter is really breaking these days by his reaction next week, but our guess is: pretty bad. 8 blue crystals out of 10

Lydia: OK, can we all agree that Lydia is this season’s most annoyingly inconsistent character? One minute, she’s a cowering, blubbering mess and the next minute, she’s a badass who’s mocking the guys for not wanting to kill two men and demanding payment for giving them the train manifesto. 6 blue crystals out of 10

Jesse: Still crushed by his role in Gale’s killing, Jesse is now trying to run a murder-free operation. He repeatedly pleaded on Lydia’s behalf, and he concocted a plan to rob the train without having to sacrifice the engineer and conductor. And we already know that a child in danger is Jesse’s kryptonite (see the kid in the crack house, Brock, Andrea’s little brother, etc.). This is going to kill him – but possibly not before he kills Todd. 5 blue crystals out of 10

Syklar: Does anyone else think Syklar has hatched a secret plan to take down Walter? Her sudden about face (“I’ll launder your money, I’ll do whatever you want, but the kids stay at Hank and Marie’s”) didn’t exactly ring true. For someone so cunning, hoisting her kids onto her sister and brother-in-law doesn’t seem like a realistic long-term plan. It could be years before Walter gets caught or his cancer returns. Is it possible she’s figured out a way to shorten that timeline? 3 blue crystals out of 10

(This recap was originally posted on