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Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara Tried to Dance at the Grammys. It Didn’t Work.

-I watched a wee bit of the Grammys (mostly to cleanse my palette after the shit show that was The X Files), and my absolute fave part was Sofia Vergara‘s total inability to find the rhythm.

-So Beyoncé wore a wedding dress to the Grammys last night. No judgement.

Adele said “shit happens” about the technical difficulties during her Grammy performance, and then treated herself to In ‘n Out. Marry me.

Paul McCartney and Beck were denied entrance to a Grammy after-party. This is the first scene of a really funny buddy comedy.

Jimmy Kimmel had a special Grammys edition of Mean Tweets, featuring Drake, Meaghan Trainor and Ed Sheeran.

-Shocking report: Kanye West reportedly had a meltdown backstage at SNL and almost bailed moments before his performance. He also tweeted about how people tried to “control” him and “use the debt against” him and then something about the cost of textbooks? Seriously dude, just put out your damn album.

-The New Yorker just gave TMZ the TMZ treatment

-If there’s a better use of time than this “Leo’s Red Carpet Rampage” game, I haven’t found it. I couldn’t even finish the “find the black nominee” round because I was laughing too hard at that point…

-After this weekend’s BAFTAs, everyone’s wondering what’s up with Tom Cruise’s face?

Kate Winslet killed it at the BAFTAs, explaining backstage why she didn’t just settle “for fat girl parts.”

-Eddie Redmayne told BuzzFeed he hopes his BAFTA comment on trans issues wasn’t misunderstood. No one misunderstood: you were taking credit for something you didn’t do. We got it.

-Oh Deadpool, what hath you wrought? Wolverine 3 is now targeting a R rating.

-Meanwhile, I could Ryan Reynolds watch hijacks Hugh Jackman’s press junkets all day.

-Much love to Princess of the Internet, who let me babble about award show coverage on her site.

-Everyone’s flipping out over the new promo for Daredevil. Yeah, I’m still not going to finish season one.

Reese Witherspoon has settled her imitation jewelry lawsuit.

Samantha Bee is killing it with her new show. Her segment about going to Jordan to actually meet Syrian refugees before judging them is extraordinary.

-Paris gets on Idris Elba’s bad side in the trailer for Bastille Day (which should be subtitled ‘Look everyone! He can TOTALLY play Bond!’).

Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello’s Wedding Photos

A photo posted by Sofia Vergara (@sofiavergara) on

Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello showed off so many photos from their weekend wedding. SO. MANY. PHOTOS. It’s kind of great that they shared them all on social media instead of selling them, though.

-I barely watched the AMAs last night but I did manage to catch Anna Kendrick’s hilarious acceptance speech so I feel like I’m winning.

-Meanwhile, Nicki Minaj insists she wasn’t shading Jennifer Lopez by staying stone-faced while JLo danced to her music. Mmm-hmmm.

-Speaking of shading JLo, Mariah Carey claims she was “just being honest” when she once said “I don’t know her,” which makes it even shadier! Bless. (Though I still love Jennifer Lopez. She owns my heart if only because she once did an epic interview in which she shaded Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna.)

-Hello, indeed. Everyone was expecting Adele’s new album to do well but I don’t think anyone was anticipating 2.3 million in the first 3 days in the US alone. I guess all those worries about how it not being available on streaming sites would hurt her sales were bupkis.

-Meanwhile, someone at SNL leaked the raw mic feed from Adele‘s performance, and her isolated vocals are stunning.

-I watched a few episodes of Jessica Jones this weekend. Wow. It’s not perfect, but the way it’s playing with issues of consent and female agency is impressive. From having a man telling her to “smile” (taking something every woman has been ordered to do — usually by strangers — to its most terrifying extreme) to having very few people believe her story of abuse, this is some important, intense storytelling.

-Welp. Hackers are trying to blackmail Gigi Hadid with her own photos.

-The Walking Dead finally revealed Glenn’s fate last night — and broke the show’s rules in the process.

-Meanwhile, this is HBO’s teaser art for the new season of Game of Thrones. Every show I watch right now seems to be playing with not-really-dead TV characters and I’m kind of done with it. Joss Whedon needs to teach these young pups about stakes and consequences.

The Game did an interview about his ridiculous NSFW Instagram photos (complete with ridiculous NSFW hashtag). How does this get a free pass but Instagram immediately removes any hint of a nipple?!

-The trailers for Chris Hemsworth‘s new whale movie are ruining my life. Looks like it’s tough on him, too.

-In his new Vanity Fair cover story, Chris talks about the pressure of delivering box office result for giant movies. “When something costs $150 million and it doesn’t work, it’s your face, it’s your fault.” Really? ‘Cause Michael Fassbender, Bradley Cooper, Bill Murray, Zac Efron and countless other white dudes seem to be surviving their flops just fine. But Sandra Bullock and Angelina Jolie‘s movies tank, and hands start wringing.

-Speaking of which, the Hollywood Reporter has a new piece on how the failures of Our Brand Is Crisis and By the Sea  might spell the end of the Hollywood “favour” movie.

-The Hollywood Reporter’s actors roundtable is more diverse than last week’s one on actresses. Even more interesting, check out how different the tone is for each story.

Andy Richter’s response to the NYT story about celebrities favoring not-hot nannies to keep husbands faithful is gold.

Aaron Carter tweeted some madness this weekend about how Michael Jacksonpassed down the torch” to him. Wut?

Gillian Anderson reprises her Hannibal role for a super creepy PETA ad.

Justin Bieber serenaded Selena Gomez on Friday night. Make of that what you will.

-Ugh. Just when I resolved to not watch any more superhero shows (especially since I’m back on the Arrow train after it totally got its groove back), The CW goes and releases a new trailer for Legends of Tomorrow (debuting Jan. 21) that is admittedly epic. Resistance is futile.


Rashida Jones’ Secrets of Success

The cover of Wired magazine featuring Rashida Jones.

-Why isn’t Rashida Jones on the cover of more magazines? Her guide to finding happiness at work in this month’s Wired is awesome. (Even more awesome: she’s co-writing the script for Toy Story 4!)

-Us Weekly claims Cameron Diaz is taking a break from acting so she can try to have a baby. Well, I guess that sounds better than “she’s taking a break from acting until science has figured out a way to permanently erase her Annie performance from casting directors’ collective memories.”

Working with Jared Leto sounds about as relaxing and rewarding as you’d expect.

-Today Show co-shot Willie Geist accidentally called Amanda Seyfried “Titsy” this morning, and she laughed it off instead of responding by calling him “Ass Face Dicksy,” which proves she’s a much better person than I.

-I still haven’t finished Orange Is the New Black (only one episode left and then I never have to hear that theme song again!), but I already love this Vulture article based on the headline alone: Is Piper Chapman Actually the Worst?

-Fox’s Sleepy Hollow just pulled out of Comic-Con this year because production on the show is starting sooner than expected. Too bad; I really wanted to watch that panel and see how the cast interacts because the stories about Nicole Beharie are bananas.

-It swells my heart to see all the positive early reviews for Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck movie. Like, there’s serious swelling happening, y’all. I might need an ice pack.

-Celebs took to Twitter to react to the awesome landmark decision to legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states.

-After the SCOTUS ruling, NKOTB’s Jonathan Knight took his boyfriend’s last name on Twitter, which is the goddamn sweetest.

-A bunch of loonies demonstrated outside a Magic Mike XXL screening to protest Sofia Vergara unwillingness to let her ex unfreeze their embryos. And in case you were wondering, she’s still not in that movie.

-A moment of silence, please: Jay Z and Beyonce were just dethroned as the highest paid celebrity couple by Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris.

-I’m really glad EW released their X Files photos early online, because if I didn’t see this pic of David Duchovny wearing Gillian Anderson like a backpack until my print magazine arrived, I would have scared everyone in my mail room with some stupidly high-pitched squeals. As it was, seeing it at work led to some inappropriate office fist pumping….

-Meanwhile, Gillian Anderson can’t dye her hair anymore without it falling out so she’s wearing a wig in the reboot and she wants everyone to chill the eff out about it already, ok?

-That’s right, advertisers. Feed my CW addiction. FEED IT!

-There is going to be not one, but two post-credit scenes at the end of Ant-Man. This is going to make the guy who sat next to me at Age of Ultron and sulked through the credits very happy.

-The latest Legend trailer really doubles down on Tom Hardy. Not that I’m complaining.