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Catching Fire

Jon Hamm Gets a Visit From the ‘Tickle Spider’

Jon Hamm and Mike O’Brien in “7 Minutes in Heaven.” (

Jon Hamm still can’t get his penis under control, but I’ll forgive him for anything after watching this video of him making out with a dude and being tickled in a closet.

-Speaking of Mad Men actors, I once met Vincent Kartheiser on the set of a movie I worked as an extra on (the title of which I will never, ever reveal because I played “Cheerleader No. 4.” Let us never speak of this again.). In any case, I thought he was really weird. This interview pretty much confirms it.

Amanda Bynes claims someone is trying to impersonate her in NYC (though why anyone would risk being mistaken for her these days is beyond me).

Danielle Fishel just tweeted an adorable photo of her surprising celebrity prom date.

-Whatever you feel about celebrities and their right to privacy, there’s no way to watch this video of the paps swarming Oliver Martinez and Halle Berry with her daughter without being totally creeped out by the situation. No wonder Martinez flipped out.

-Speaking of the paps, is Taylor Swift staging photo opps now?

-This Funny or Die video with Huey Lewis and Weird Al is pretty much perfection.

Christina Aguilera with no makeup looks a trillion times better than how she usually looks on The Voice.

-Good on Beyonce for not being afraid to call herself a feminist!

-Meanwhile, her hubby Jay-Z is a sports agent now. World domination is in their grasp.

Angelina Jolie and Lady Gaga are the latest celebs to have their personal financial records hacked.

-Speaking of celebrities under attack, Diddy is the latest star to get “swatted.”

-Congrats to Colin Hanks, who’s about to be a daddy for the second time.

-In other baby news, Glee star Heather Morris is pregnant with her first child.

-Judging by last week’s ratings, Happy Endings is pretty much toast. But it’s not all bad news: the USA Network is considering picking it up if/when ABC drops it.

Will Arnett, what the hell are you doing?!

Lamar Odom‘s charity has raised over $2 million dollars, but none of it has gone to the intended recipients. He claims he was the target of a scam and that he’s pocketed none of it.

-In other charity hiccup news, the Malawi education minister just called out Madonna for not fulfilling her promise to build schools.

-No surprise here: NBC officially confirmed that Jimmy Fallon will take The Tonight Show from Jay Leno. Jimmy Kimmel congratulated Fallon by calling him “a formidable rival and an incredible lover.”

-Ohhhh…Nicole Kidman is starring in the movie adaptation of Before I Go To Sleep. That book creeped me right the eff out!

-I nearly forgot all about James McAvoy until this adorable interview. Sigh.

Melissa McCarthy‘s new SNL promos are promising.

-Is Justin Bieber‘s camp trying to blame his recent shenanigans on Selena Gomez‘s “mixed messages”? Yuck.

Courtney Love is selling e-cigarettes now. Yeah, this seems like the expected career trajectory.

-There’s now photographic proof that Heidi Klum rescued her son’s nanny from drowning.

Ashton Kutcher is up to…something. He’s hiring Ivy League English majors with “[c]reativity and taste for aesthetic beauty.”

-I really thought/hoped this report of Disney shutting down LucasArts and cancelling the Star Wars films was a late April Fools’ joke, but it doesn’t look like it.

Chris Martin just briefly acknowledged that he’s married to Gwyneth Paltrow!

-In case Rebel Wilson‘s sure-to-be-awesome hosting skills weren’t enough to make you tune into the MTV Movie Awards, it was just announced that Liam Hemsworth will premiere the first Catching Fire trailer during the show. Here’s a tiny teaser.