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Doctor Who

Hailey Baldwin Covers Vogue Japan

hailey baldwin vogue

-Wow, Vogue Japan totally lucked out when they put Hailey Baldwin on their latest cover, having no idea she’d be Justin Bieber‘s fiancee by the time it hit newsstands.

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth took a wrecking ball to those split rumors with an IG story.

-Speaking of Hemsworths and social media, Chris Hemsworth secured his place as the second best Chris with this hilarious video for his wife’s birthday. I had serious concerns about her arm socket for a second or two there…

-Romance rumours surrounding Robert Pattinson and Sienna Miller feel kind of inevitable at this point, no?

Jenny McCarthy mistook her Google Home for a ghost. She’s swell.

-It feels like it’s been a minute since we’ve heard anything from Rihanna music-wise, but she’s looking to fix that. She’s reportedly working on two albums: a reggae one, and a pop one.

-My buddy Jon went to Chicago to interview Radiohead and its crew about Scott Johnson’s death, returning to Toronto and how the Canadian judicial system failed them.

-Crazy Rich Asians’ early word of mouth is GREAT.

-How the hell does a teen-targeting Netflix show that features a girl in a fat suit who only achieves agency once she gets her jaw wired shut and loses weight get made in 2018? How is that even possible? This entire fat-shaming premise is disgusting.

This made me laugh and laugh.

-Director Gus Van Sant was originally tapped to direct Brokeback Mountain, and is spilling tea over which huge stars turned it down. “I felt like we needed a really strong cast, like a famous cast. That wasn’t working out. I asked the usual suspects: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Ryan Phillippe. They all said no.”

-This investigation into the rumoured American Sailer Moon is weirdly fascinating.

Christine Baranski says her high kicks have become something of a trademark. “It’s my one good dance move.”

Amanda Seyfried did The Tonight Show’s Google Translate Songs: Mamma Mia edition, and things got really weird.

Russell Simmons once told the staff at his yoga studio that he might become “collateral damage” of the #MeToo movement.

Mark Duplass has walked back his dumbass tweet.

-This is a really fascinating read on celebrities and the opioid crisis. “The overall reaction to Prince and [Tom] Petty’s overdoses — and to the opioid-driven losses before them of such other popular performers as Philip Seymour Hoffman and Heath Ledger — has amounted to nothing much when it comes to awakening Americans to the scope of the national crisis.”

-A defamation lawsuit surrounding The Biggest Loser claims that former contestants are alleging the NBC show supplied them with drugs, including Adderall and the FDA-banned ephedra.

-I really liked this piece on why this year TV dramas have had so many disappointing second seasons (The Handmaid’s Tale, Luke Cage, Westworld, Legion, 13 Reasons Why, Jessica Jones), while comedies are finding their groove in the 2nd season (Atlanta, One Day at a Time, The Good Place, Glow). I think there’s something to be said for dramas getting fixated on plot twists (usually dark and grim ones at that), while comedies do better at focusing on characters you want to follow.

-Everyone and their dog is raving about the book My Year of Rest and Relaxation. I’m saving it for the long weekend!

-I’m not a comic book person, but is this really what the audience wants from Titans? A Dick Grayson who murders people and says “f**k Batman”? Because this looks cheap, terrible and certainly not worth signing up to a new subscription service for.

Jodie Whittaker wakes up in the Doctor Who trailer they just showed at Comic-Con.

Jennifer Lopez scams her way into a management job Working Girl-style in the Second Act trailer, which costars Leah Remini as her BFF and Milo Ventimiglia as her BF.