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Jon Stewart

Is Miley Cyrus Dating a Victoria’s Secret Model?

-Just when everyone stopped clutching their pearls over Kristen Stewart‘s girlfriend comes news that Miley Cyrus is dating model Stella Maxwell.

-Meanwhile, in Vogue model Cara Delevingne gushed about her relationship with St. Vincent. If I were in a relationship with someone with that hair, I’d be gushing too.

-According to Us Weekly (or possibly Sean Penn‘s publicist), Charlize Theron broke up with Penn in the middle of Cannes and let him know by abruptly not returning his calls.

Jon Stewart‘s somber, scathing monologue on Charleston reminds us how we’re all going to miss the crap out of him.

-The more reviews I read, the more I don’t want to watch True Detective Season 2. But I would have no problems watching Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn playing True Confessions with Jimmy Fallon for eight weeks.

-According to Chris Pratt, I’m doing everything right in my life.

Taylor Swift is still writing handwritten notes to radio hosts she meets on her tour because she’s very nice and very, very smart.

-Marvel says Peter Parker must always be a straight white guy onscreen. Wut?

-Sony execs reportedly made actors fill out a “Cold Sore Questionnaire” to ensure they didn’t spread around the herpe. Is it weird that I think that sounds reasonable?

Lauren Graham admits she was on Team Jess because she’s not a crazy person.

Taylor Schilling says she filmed a sex scene so intense for this season of OITNB that she injured her face.

Emily Blunt plays a badass FBI agent who goes up against Benicio Del Toro in the new Sicario trailer. It feels like the trailer gives too much away but Denis Villeneuve directed it so I’m still in.